San Diego Airport parking vs Park, Shuttle & Fly parking services

Making the decision between on-site Airport parking and long-term off-site Airport parking can be complicated. Especially when you are uninformed and don’t really know the pros and cons of each.

How does the two compare to each other and which one is best? Here follows a concrete list of comparisons between San Diego Airport Parking and the popular Park, Shuttle & Fly parking services.



Park, Shuttle & Fly parking services has competitive costs with lowest prices guaranteed at only $16.99 per 24-hour overnight stay. When you sign up to be part of their email list, you’ll receive news on exclusive deals as well as coupons which gives you $3 OFF of your booking.  As an extra Park, Shuttle & Fly has limited shaded parking spots available, at no additional costs.

When you park at the Airport’s Terminal 1 or 2, you’ll pay $6 for 30-60 minutes and $32 for 7-24 hours to park in the car park. The Harbor Drive Long-term parking lot charges $20 per day and the most expensive is the Airport’s Valet parking at $40 per day.

Let’s put it into perspective, if you want parking for your vehicle for a 7-day stay you’ll pay $224 at the Airport’s Terminal 1 or 2, $140 at the Airport’s Long-term and $280 for Valet compared to Park, Shuttle & Fly parkings $118.93 for a 7-day stay. If you apply your discount coupon at Park, Shuttle & Fly parking you’ll only pay $115.93.



Park, Shuttle & Fly parking services has a very easy online booking service. You only need to provide some basic personal information, as well as your arrival and departure dates and times, and your parking spot will be reserved.

Except for Valet parking, where you have to pay a $35 p/day reservation fee, there isn’t a way to reserve parking at the San Diego Airport. If you’re running late, you’ll be driving through parking lots in search of a free space to park, as parking spaces aren’t allocated and is on a first come, first serve basis.



What puts Park, Shuttle & Fly parking services at the front of the race is that it’s extremely convenient. The hassle-free online booking, check-in and check-out system makes you save time and money. An on-demand shuttle service is available 24/7 to take you to the airport safely and bring you back in a jiffy.

At Airport parking you’ll drive around searching for a parking space, have difficulties with paying parking tickets at ticket machines, or no one to help you with your luggage. When you return, you’ll have difficulty remembering where you’ve parked your car and finding an available staff member on duty.



24/7 on-site security guards together with security cameras, a 24/7 lighted parking lot and a secured enclosure makes Park, Shuttle & Fly parking a steel proof parking area. You can feel confident to leave your vehicle in their competent and experienced hands.

Parking your vehicle in an Airport parking bay may have the basic security needs like a boom, a closed parking space and a security guard. There’s no specific system in place that controls or checks the drivers and vehicles coming in and out.



Because Park, Shuttle & Fly parking services is a family owned business they’ll give you professional and friendly client service. Apart from the 24/7 guard on duty, there’s always a staff member available to assist you.

Masses and masses of travelers go through the Airport’s parking bays each day, service isn’t personal.


It’s safe to say that Park, Shuttle & Fly parking wins this comparison with flying colors!



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